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The website for the State Bar of California has a terrific series of articles addressing various topics. One of those topics of interest to California residents discusses Wills. Below are the topic headings the article discusses – some of which deal with probate law. 

What does a will do?

Your beneficiaries.

A guardian for your minor children.

An executor.

Does a will cover everything I own?

Life insurance.

Retirement plans.

Assets owned as a joint tenant.

“Transfer on death” or “pay on death.”

“Community property with right of survivorship.”

Living trusts.

Your spouse’s or domestic partner’s half of community property.

Are there various kinds of wills?

A handwritten or holographic will.

A statutory will.

A will prepared by a lawyer.

What if my assets pass to a trust after my death?

Can I change my will?

How are the provisions of my will carried out?

Who should know about my will?

What other planning should I do?

List of assets and debts.

Durable power of attorney for property management. In this document, you appoint another individual (the attorney-in-fact) to make property management decisions on your behalf if you are incapacitated.

Advance health care directive / durable power of attorney for health care.

How can I find a lawyer to write a will for me?

If you would like to discuss these and other California probate questions, please contact Mitchell A. Port online.

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